My First iPhone App - Fan Surfer

Very pumped to release my first game on the iOS App Store today. This is a simple game, but also the culmination of a lot of learning the Unity development platform along with C# coding.
Play it in your browser:
Play it on your iPhone or iPad:
Fan Surfer is a game where you pilot your character through the clouds on his fan things (whatever it is) and avoid birds that come at you in thicker and thicker waves. It's known as an "endless runner" because it just repeats over and over until you hit the clouds or a bird. The character feels the constant pull of gravity, and the player must counteract that by touching the screen to provide an upward boost. The goal of course is to get the highest score you can get!
My focus for this project was to build the game "from the ground up." I did the art, sounds, programming, and launch (getting something on the App Store is a hell of a lot more work than I expected!)
I've been studying how to make games since April, and I'm just now releasing Fan surfer on July 8! It feels like my first "polished" product, though I still have a wishlist of features to implement. Sometimes you just gotta move on to the next thing.
Feature Wishlist:
- High score feature. My friends have been begging for this. Everyone wants to be king!
- Music?
- The scroll speed and bird spawn density stop increasing at a score of 150 or so. Consider looking to Subway Surfer and JetPack Joyride for tips on improving replayability.