Alone on the Summit of Mt. Whitney (14,508 ft.) Had the top all to myself due to taking the sunset option during the wildfire breakout at Whitney Portal.
Leary Bros. 2nd Mt. Shasta Summit Push. Success! Ryan and I return to Shasta Summit Glory after 21 years, though this time we opt for a different and less-traveled route!
10 Miles to Sykes Hot Springs - Hiking in Big Sur's Ventana Wilderness The recently reopened Pine Ridge Trail to Sykes Hot Springs was a hike filled with floral variety, hot/cold plunges, and armies of ticks.
Remembering My Friend Hobie Kistler LT Hobart Kistler, USN, SC, (USNA '13) passed away Friday, April 30 in a tragic car accident. We shared three years together on USS Louisville, where he had a profound impact on my life.